How Solar Energy Works

How Solar Energy Works
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why Should I Install Solar Panels On My Home?

Why Should I Install Solar Panels On My Home?

Solar energy is in the news almost daily.  But have you been wondering whether or not installing solar panels on your home would be a good choice for your family?  Here are a few of the most compelling reasons.

The economic climate is finally favorable again for people who want to use solar energy at home.  There are now federal tax credits in place (or soon to be in place) that can lower the cost of installing a residential solar energy system by as much as 30%.  And don't forget to check into your state and city incentives, too.  The list of states and cities that are offering tax credit and other incentives to help people convert to solar energy is continuing to grow.

There is also the immediate cost savings you will see in lower monthly utility bills. Since you solar panels will be powering your appliances during the day, you will be seeing a savings in electricity usage.  And if your local utility company participates in net metering, your electric bill could be reduced to zero.  Net metering allows you to sell back any excess electricity that your solar panels produce to the electric company for a credit to your account.  So if your solar electric system produces a surplus during the day, the electricity that you use from the grid at night could end up being free.
Solar energy is also great for the environment. It is produced on site where it is used. So there are no fuel transportation costs or emissions, and no plant maintenance costs. It does not contribute to global warming. There is no pollution from burning oil or coal, and it does not produce nuclear waste that will contaminate the planet for generations to come. And last but not least, it is a great way to protect yourself and your family against the future energy price hikes that experts predict.
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

How Much Solar Energy Will My House Need?

How Much Solar Energy Will My House Need?

If you are thinking about installing a residential solar energy system in your home, you will need to know your current energy consumption.  Usually, you can get this information from your local utility company.  Using this as a basis, you will be able to design your solar energy system to fit the needs of your house.  The climate in your region will have an impact on energy use, as will the direction your windows face, the number and location of trees on your site, and the types of appliances you own.  Even the kind of light bulbs you use can make a difference.

The yearly temperature extremes in the geographical region you live in will be a big factor.  If you live in an area with temperature extremes in winter or in summer, you will use more energy to heat or cool your home than if you lived in a moderate climate.

South facing windows in a cold climate can help lower your heating bills.  North facing windows in a hot climate can lower cooling bills.

Mature trees can provide shade and help lower cooling bills during the summer, while the bare tree limbs allow sunlight in during the winter months.  All of these factors contribute to your overall energy use. And installing energy efficient insulation in walls, roofs and floors help reduce utility bills in all climates.

If possible, convert all of your appliances to energy efficient models.  Newer appliance models often use as much as 50% less energy than older models, especially if they need repairs and are not working at top efficiency.  Changing to compact fluorescent light bulbs also makes a substantial impact on reducing electricity consumption.

After evaluating your house for these factors, you can plan to build a solar photovoltaic system by multiplying your average daily kilowatt hour usage by about .25.  This should give you a rough estimate of the daily kilowatts your solar panels will need to generate in order to supply your current electrical needs.
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